If you are Hosting a Party Make Sure you Have Plenty of Food and Drinks for your Guests Nobody Wants
to Go Hungry or Thirsty Get Some Drinks like Soda And Juice and a Few Other Things Remember Nobodys Going to Like the Same
Thing So Get More Than One kind of Drink Same Thing With Food Get a Couple of different Food and Drinks
Plan Some Party Games And Entertainment ETC Nobody Likes to Be Bored at a Party So Plan Some Games
and Some Activites For People to Enjoy Like For Example One of the popular Games Is The Pineada Whack it and Get Some Candy
lol other party games include the Knot Game This works if you have a huge party you can tie each other up in a knot and you
have to try and unrap each other working togather
If its a Big Party Throw out Some Invitations if you are issuing some invitations make it look nice
Throw some Decorations on it Just a Suggestion But yea it would Impress a lot of people if you had some decorations on it
it would catch more peoples eye for your party if there was decorations on it and Make Sure to Plan it ahead and give your
party guest plenty of time to RSVP
If your Going to A Party
Make Sure you Put on a Special Dress or Special Clothes That would Impress a lot of people Especially
if its a Formal Party Some Partys Have Some Kind of Theme Or Special Wear ETC its Important that when you go to a party especially
if its a special one to look hot of course some people mite be fine what they have on already
If you are one of those people that Drinks Alchole If you Have to Drive Moderate How Much Alchole
You Drink at A Party you Want To Be Safe If your going to drink a lot have a Designated Driver or Stay at the place if possible
overnight Dont Drink and Drive A lot of people do That And End up Being Killed Also you dont Want the cops To Find you if
the cops find you driving drunk they will arrest you in some states or worse
Remember This Important Party Rule Always Be A Little bit Late Dont Be On Time Lol So Like For Example
if The Party Starts at 5:30 Come at like 5:45 or 6:00 Pm Nobody is on Time Everyone is at least a few minutes late
Get your party Host a Gift or Present They Like That it Shows Appreciation and they will keep on
inviting you Back to There Future Partys Give Them Something Like Flowers Everyone Loves Flowers
Be Sure to have Fun And Make Sure you go To Somebodys Party That you Know dont go to Some Strangers
Party Because or the Wise it Could Be Dangerous