One thing you Can Do Is Recycle What Do I Mean By That i Mean After you are Done Using Anything
That Is Plastic or Bottles or some Trays or Milk Cartons Now Or Any Of That Stuff Recycle it By Doing That You are Cutting
Out Garbage By a Lot The More Stuff That We Recycle The More Stuff That Can Be Reused The More Better It will Be
Pick up The Trash That you see
A Lot of People Tend To Litter Instead of Leaving that Litter There Do a Good Thing For The Planet
And Pick up the Garbage and Throw it Away your Self i know its rude but if somebody doesint pick it up than nobody will pick
it up
Conserve Energy
How to Conserve Energy Well you Can When you Leave a Room Or Something Turn Off the Lights or When
you are done with the TV Turn it off if you are done turn the computer off anything in your house that you are not using
or dont need to use turn it off it will save Energy And Most of All it will Save you Money on your energy bill
Get a clothesline or rack to dry your clothes by the air. Your wardrobe will maintain color and
fit, and you'll save money.
Your favorite t-shirt will last longer too.
Reuse paper
A Another Thing you Can Do To Help the Environment Is Save And Reuse Paper If you Have A Paper That
you Dont Need That has a Back Side to it Dont Throw it Away Instead Reuse it By Reusing it You will Use Less Paper And You
Will Save More Trees That Are Being Cutted Down Daily
Nearly 90% of plastic water bottles are not recycled, instead taking thousands of years to decompose.
Buy a reusable container and fill it with tap water, a great choice for the environment, your wallet, and possibly your health.
The EPA's standards for tap water are more stringent than the FDA's standards for bottled water.
plant a Tree
It's good for the air, the land, can shade your house and save on cooling (plant on the west side
of your home), and they can also improve the value of your property.
Make it meaningful for the whole family and plant a tree every year for each member.
Adjust your thermostat one degree higher in the summer and one degree cooler in the winter. Each
degree celsius less will save about 10% on your energy use! In addition, invest in a programmable thermostat which allows
you to regulate temperature based on the times you are at home or away.
Keeping the damper open (when you're not using your fireplace) is like keeping a 48-inch window
wide open during the winter; it allows warm air to go right up the chimney. This can add up to hundreds of dollars each winter
in energy loss.
Answering machines use energy 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And when they break, they're just
one more thing that goes into the landfill. If all answering machines in U.S. homes were eventually replaced by voice mail
services, the annual energy savings would total nearly two billion kilowatt-hours.
By some estimates, if all households in the U.S. paid their bills online and received electronic
statements instead of paper, we'd save 18.5 million trees every year, 2.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
gases, and 1.7 billion pounds of solid waste.
Consider the amount of pollution created to get your food from the farm to your table. Whenever
possible, buy from local farmers or farmers' markets, supporting your local economy and reducing the amount of greenhouse
gas created when products are flown or trucked in.
If you start every morning with a steamy cup, a quick tabulation can show you that the waste is
piling up. Invest in a reusable cup, which not only cuts down on waste, but keeps your beverage hot for a much longer time.
Most coffee shops will happily fill your own cup, and many even offer you a discount in exchange!
Professional car washes are often more efficient with water consumption. If everyone in the U.S.
who washes their car themselves took just one visit to the car wash we could save nearly 8.7 billion gallons of water.
Most software comes on a compact disc, and more than thirty billion compact discs of all types are
sold annually. That's a huge amount of waste, not to mention the associated packaging. Another bonus to downloading your software
is that it's often available for download at a later date when you upgrade to a new computer or are attempting to recover
from a crash.
On Earth Day Get Involved Do Something to Help the Planet Show that you Care About Our Planet After
All We All Live on it So Why Not Do Something Nice for it Even if its something small like Picking up Litter That Other People
Throw The World Will Thank Us Later For What we Are Doing And it Will Make you Feel good Inside to at the same time