Dboy Lost A Dad When He Was little This page tells all about him
Thats My Fother right there When i was little He Lost me From A Very Bad Accident He Died from He Was Moveing Boats And Than
The Chain brook and the boat fell ontop of him And Than Later on he was pernoced Dead I Will Always Miss Him I Just Wanted
To Create a page about him cuz He Was A Great Fother to me i hold him down forget anyone who is not respecting that He Was
a Good Fother i remember when he would Take me to work with him i miss his hugs his Face And The Way he would hold me down
when i was little I Would miss my mom And My Dad Would Hold me down and try and cheer me up
i Recorded a song about him if you want to lisen to it Click on Dboys music And Click on R.i.p Dboys Dad It will make you
Watch A Video i made on my fother A Lot more Project in the makeings to honor What had happend Forget who Ever is not respecting
me Show some respect just remember loseing my fother is like loseing 1,000000 lives