Trouble Shooting your Camera
My Photo is a Bit Blurry How Can i Prevent this and is there a Way To Fix a Blurry Photo
Well It Depends on How Blurry The photo is some Photos Can Be Fixed Easily With a Program Like Photo Shop if the tools
dont work than chances are it can not be fixed in The Feature you have to have a good camera and you also got to make sure
the camera is stabilized if it comes out blurry than something is moving either the image that you are taking etc
My Photo Comes out To Dark Is There Anyway To Fix it
Yes Some Programs Can Make The Photo a Little To Light Becareful What Program you use you dont wanna screw up the original
Image i would strongly suggest Making a Back Up copy Of the Image
My Photo Comes out to Bright
Same Thing as Above
My photo Came out to be a Flash Over my Face Why Does this happend and is it possible to Remove the Flash ?
Well Flash Is Caused by a Reflection of the subject for example if you take a picture over by the mirror you are most
likely gonna see flash in the picture If you dont want flash in your photo try taking it away from mirrors etc or glass or
the wall all of those can cause flash in the middle of your photo There is no Way to Remove the flash completly the only thing
you could possibly do is cut out the flash in some cases it would cut the whole entire picture