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Journalism On This Page i will Share Articles That i Write I Write Articles for my School News Paper The Norwalk High School Paw Print And i Thought id Share with you My Articles That i Write Not All Of them May be Published in the News Paper or The Paw Print Website Which is Why i thought id Dedicate a Page Where i can Share my work


I think we should have more assemblies at school think about it we work so hard in school and we get pushed around a lot sometimes that maybe the school should add in some assembly’s like good music or something anything that is interesting for us to talk about kids do need breaks from school and work every now and than we can have a little fun in school think about it this way if we couldn’t have any fun at all in school than that would be completely boring we all talk about how school is boring and everything maybe if we had some entertainment every now and than it wouldn’t be so bad

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Genesis Student Information System
i Feel That Our Attendance System Genesis Has Some Bugs That Need to Be Worked out like for example the teachers sometimes they think that they didint mark them out but they did and than the students that are there in class end up not getting the credit that they deserve and than they end up Hing the class Ever Since The Genesis Attendance Thing Went into Effect About a Year Ago Or so A Lot More Students Have Been Losing Credit Teachers Also Find Getting H Slips From People That They Know Dont Deserved To Be H i Remember Last Year in my computer construction and repair my teacher got a couple of H Slips That She Know Dont Deserve to Be H And Sometimes we go on field trips and genesis doesint mark it as on a field trip and we end up getting a phone call later when we get home from the school saying that we were out i remember when i went on a field trip to nyc when i came back the school called my house and told that i was marked absent not on a field trip they should take a look at genesis and at least tweek up the system a little bit here

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Dr Corda Leaving Norwalk Public Schools
I feel that it is sad that Dr Corda Left the Norwalk Public Schools system he was a very good supertendent he cares about students and what’s going on around the schools and he is very nice and friendly I can tell he liked working with kids because I actioley met dr corda during the courage to speak family night 2009 I heard he quit because he wanted to work at a collage Dr Corda will be missed He Was so Good At His Job He Has Had A Few Mistakes here an There But Every Human Makes Mistakes Many People Can Agree That He will be missed That Means A New Man in Charge And Not All of Us Like the New Man That is in Charge Even Tho We Will have to Get over it he will be missed

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The Bad Economy
This economy is so bad these days because of the economy being so bad these days we are having to cut things like for example our school has lost some teachers because of this horrible economy our schools don’t have enough money to pay for everything besides that because of the horrible economy it is so Hard these days to get jobs a lot of people are cutting out emenployees and a lot of company’s are not hiring I feel bad for everyone that has lost a job and is effect when will this bad economy end ? Something has to be done I Remember when i was looking for a job it took me a while it took months for me to find my self my first job and all of that ETC The Good News is Our President is Trying To Get America More Jobs Which is Exactly What We need Also The Price of Food And Other Items Are Going up As Well Because of All of the Cuts That Needed to Be Done Everything is Way to Much Than it Should Be

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Sync Clocks
I am Sure many of you Have noticed around school that the clocks all have different times some are 2 minutes off some are 3 minutes it makes a big difference as when the bell will ring when many people really wanna get out of the classroom and onto our next class and than usually the same thing will happened at the next class our clocks in my own opinion should all be synced to what the Bells Time is If they all Were the Same Than Maybe we wouldn’t be waiting an extra minute or two for that bell to ring Many people agree that it is annoying to have all the clocks on a different time I think the schools time should be matched with the real time like what it says on our cable boxes and on our computers we all know both are accurate readings for the time we can always count on both of those devices

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Keeping The Vending Meachines Open
Ever Notice How the vending machines are always closed except for in the early morning before school and after school in my own opinion I think they should keep the vending machines open think about it some kids don’t have enough time when they wake up and there in a huge rush to leave the house on time sometimes the best thing would be to grab something quick like a pop tart or something or around lunch time everyone is hungry before they go to lunch and everything if the vending machine is closed we cant go and get a quick snack or something before lunch by the time the vending machine is open at 1:30 by than its useless because everyone is satisfied from lunch or there going home they should keep the vending machines open

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Playing Cards
One of the things that people do for fun is to play cards and everything some people Do it for fun some people do it to get lots of money in my own opinion I think people should just play it to have fun its never a good idea to bet in card games especially because often a lot of times people make a bet and than they end up losing and they end up losing the money as well as the game in some places like Schools it is banned because a lot of kids tend to gamble they shouldn’t ban cards because not all people gamble there are people that play it just for fun why ban it for those people when it really should only be banned for the people that gamble some of the popular card games include gold fish Uno Texas hold em and much more there is to many to list if I listed them all I would be here all day

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Vandlism in bathrooms
I Feel That Vandalism in The Bathrooms are a Big Problem these days When ever i go to the bathroom i always see writing on the walls with dirty words and stuff it is unappealing some kids mite think its funny but its not really think about it if a visitor came into our school and walked into a bathroom that kids have vandalized it will give them a bad message about our school and not come back to it we want people to come to our school and want to be able to come back also because of the vandalism that is going on they have started towards the end of the day like after lunch they lock the bathrooms i think that is really unfair to the people that don’t trash the bathroom when we got to go to the bathroom we cant help not going when you got to go we got to go something has to be done to stop all of the vandalism that has been going on

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Gay and Lesbian marriage
Many people are different some are straight some are gay and some people are bi some people are lesbians in some states Gay and lesbian marriage is illegal. I think in my own opinion it shouldn’t be illegal because what someone thinks about being gay is different to other people you don’t have to agree with gay or lesbian marriage. But that’s just in my own opinion it is just dead right wrong to ban it. I don’t think it is a problem if there happy that’s all that matters. After all one definition of gay is happy even though I am straight im saying there is nothing wrong with gay or lesbian marriage. Why it is illegal I have no clue but yea everyone is allowed to hang out with who they want it doesn’t matter who you are. if you are banning gay and lesbian marriage you are banning happiness too it is wrong to ban it. 

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Cheating is wrong
These days a lot of people cheat to Work There Way out of Stuff like for example in a Relationship often when someone doesn’t get who they want often they cheat and go out with someone else to make the other person jealous it is not the best option because what happens when you end up going out with 2 people and than the other person finds out than the other person would get hurt another example of people cheating is on tests or quizzes often people lurk at other peoples papers and put down what they think not a good idea because you are not really learning it that way I remember being cheated on before a few years back I had went out with someone only to discover later on that she liked a another boy that got me so upset cheating destroys people it breaks peoples hearts you dont realize it until you actioley do it so next time you cheat on a test or quiz or cheat on your bf/gf think about how they would feel

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Downloading Music Illegally

We All Like Music We all got to have music one way of getting it is buying it for others they download there music on lime wire or windows media player or any other programs doing it that way is illegal in my own opinion the better option would be to buy the song or cd think about it artists work so hard to produce these songs it costs a lot of money to make the songs between all of the equipment that they use in studios to the energy costs and more I heard there is a new law the fees have gone up for downloading music illegally if you don’t want to pay it you will probably most likely end up going to jail when you download a song you are stealing there work and stealing is wrong Music is Not Free even if you hear a song on MySpace or facebook or hear it on some other sites Have a little respect for the artist some of you may be asking how do artist make money they make money by touring and selling there cds to all of there fans in the end the world will thank you as well as the artist who wrote the song

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2012 is Fake
A lot of you have heard that 2012 means the end of the world but is it Its Not Really The End of The world it is Fake make up stuff it’s a myth some people are confused because they think that just because of the myan calendar that means the end of the world The Answer is No Nothing will happened 2012 So People Keep Dreaming Because Advently you will be chasing after your dreams and you may meet them its not funny anymore people think its funny to make stuff up to scare people many people have killed them self’s over something that is not true people who started the rumor should get punished people have predicted the end of the world many times back in 20000 it was predicted to end and it failed and there were other thousands of predictions and they all failed so what makes you think this one will be correct So People Who Are scared of the end of the world Don’t Be Scared Because Nothing will happened We Will all Wake up Fine

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Sugar a Big Problem a Big One
I Feel That Our Cafeteria is Serving Some Drinks That Have to Much Sugar in It Take For Example The Slushies That They Serve in The Cafeteria A ton of people drink it and than after lunch the students come back really hyper like they cant control and also some of the juices and stuff that they serve some of them also have to much sugar that get people hyper and teachers wonder why kids drink the sugarest drinks if the cafeteria is serving it than obviosly if the students like it there going to drink it i say get rid of the big big sugary drinks to much is bad for you its ok if there are drinks that got a little bit of sugar but the ones that got like 30 or more grams that is a lot of sugar those i feel should be taken out of the lunch menu options for kids they should put some healthier options in there

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Hackers Hacking
It Happens to a lot of us there are hackers out there on the internet that tend to Hack other peoples stuff some people do it because they think its fun some people do it because they don’t like what they see either way Hacking is Wrong Hacking is against the law if you Hack into someone else’s page you can get into some series trouble Hackers Always Tend to Find There Way Into My Stuff Rather it be my email or my myspace account or any of my accounts I find it very annoying Hackers don’t have anything better to do on there time but to hack around and mess around with other peoples stuff Just remember there is internet police out there who can find out about your hacking don’t be a hacking victim because it is really not cool some of you guys may be asking how do they hack well some people do it the old fashion way by guessing there password others use a software to steal peoples passwords and others do it by making a fake site pretending to be the site owner it is just dead right wrong to hack into other peoples stuff

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The School Network a Mess
Our school network is a big mess for example in the school library laptops sometimes when im in the middle of doing something often my H Drive Often Goes out a lot and it is really annoying and frustrating and the school often blocks things that can be useful for students like for example the flash drives that a lot of people carry around it is a great way to carry our work from computer to computer the school library at one point had it blocked and now they unblocked it and than its relocked again it is really uncool don’t get me wrong emailing our self’s the file can be done but its very annoying to do it every time we update our work they should look at our schools network and fix the bugs part of the problem is our student accounts require internet activity to get it to work if our accounts didn’t require that we could save all the trouble with losing our H Drives having access to our flash drives is Necessary and a much easier way to carrying our work back and fourth from what I heard they blocked the D Drives because it was a concern about what materials are brought into the building 

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A Great Site For Journalism
My School Norwalk High School Has a News Paper Called The NHS Paw Print The Advisor is Mr Karl They Have Just Made A Website And They Are now Both A Printed Paper And As Well as a Online Paper For Great Articles On News Opinions and More Please Visit there Website http://www.thenhspawprint.org You can Even If you have a Business Advertise on There News Paper A Great Way to Get a Message Out There of Something Lots and Lots of People Visit There Page

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Rated R Movies
There are a lot of cool movies out there Some of them Are Rated G Others Are Rated PG And PG 13 And Than There is The Rated R Movies Some Rated R Movies Are For Adults Some Rated R Movies are Not So Bad there are a lot of parents who don’t allow there kids to watch Rated R Movies what parents sometimes don’t realize is we are getting older as we get older and older especially around 16 and 17 that’s the age when I think we should be allowed to watch rated R Movies some of the reason why parents don’t allow people to watch Rated R Movies is they think that scenes that they see in the movie they think it mite motivate them to do some behavior like some of the things that they do in the movie a another reason is they think they mite get nightmares about some of the things that go on in movies but that’s just my opinion many people mite feel differently about this topic but we all know that it is a big discussion in life advently we are probably going to be exposed to some of these things that happened in the movies well maybe not all of them but yea

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Car Accidents
Every Single Day There is Car Accidents That Effects Everybody it effects everybody it slows traffic down for everybody it also means there are most likely some injuries usually most of the time Car Accidents are Caused By Bad Drivers Some of you May be saying ah this will never happened to me you never know it mite Always Be On Alert for Bad Drivers on the Road There are Many Reasons Why There is A Lot of Car Accidents There are People That Eat While Driving there are Some People That Talk on there cell phone and Get Distracted and some People Speed To Fast if you think about it there is speed limits for a reason if you dont follow the speed limits you could get involved with a car accident I Dont Mean Like Go Really Slow but Dont Go To Fast its Ok to Go a Few Miles over the speed limit but dont go to Much over or else you can get in big trouble If you are Hungry Eat Before you Hit the Road or If you Need to talk to someone on the phone do it before you hit the road And Go at a Reasonable Speed Not to Slow not To Fast Maybe this Article Will Get you to think to drive more better if every American that did all of those things cut back on doing it we would have less accidents and less 911 calls think about it And We Can Spend More Time Driving on the Road And Getting to Destinations Faster It is The Number One Slow Down on Highways  

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Selena Gomez Wins the Kids Choice Awards

If you Watched The Kids Choice Awards you will have noticed that Selena Gomez Won the kids choice awards this year I had watched the kids choice awards it was pretty good I voted for the stars online when I saw that Selena Gomez was on the list it made me happy I like Selena Gomez I think she is a very talented singer I am proud of her for winning I helped her win on Myspace a social networking site I asked all my friends to vote for her and people voted for her its fun to see your favorite star on TV win a award for something that they work so hard for

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The Storm
March 2010 There Was a Storm That Had Hit Connecticut gave us A Unexpected Surprise March 13,2010 A Storm That Was Susposto Be Lots of Rain And only 40 mph winds but during the storm it gave us a surprise and during the height of the storm it increased to 75+ Mph Wind Gusts It was So Hard it Knocked Down Lots of Trees even one tree had Fell onto my yard came an inch close to hitting the house it was a Freaky Storm that I will never forget effects of that storm besides the trees falling down were the power outages we had lost power for some people a week some people like me 4 days the hardest hit areas of the storm were Greenwhich,Stamford,new cannan,darien and Norwalk those towns were hit the hardest Schools Were closed all week the state of CT was under a Emergency at one point schools were shut down all week we asked the state to get us exempted but that failed so we have to go to school until the end of June all I can say is I hope not to see a another storm like that again according to sources it is the worst storm in 50 years hopefully we will not see a worser storm like that one again well if there is one coming lets hope we at least get a warning

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Health Care Bill Gets Signed into office
Health Care as of Monday March 22,2010 Was Signed this was breaking News Health Care Is Very important these days a lot of people are poor and they cant afford to get insurance With a lot of people losing there jobs means there getting there health insurance taken away It is not fair to be denied health coverage just because they have no money Everyone I believe deserves to have health care nobody should suffer people should get the proper care Effects this health care bill may have on us is by 2018 according to CNN there may be some taxes on the health care bill As of Tuesday March 30,2010 he has made some corrections to the health care bill The health care bill that was signed is going to cost our country $940 Billion Over the Next 10 years 65 billion more than what our president signed According to CNN That is a lot of money but it is a small price to pay for all Americans to have health care insurance Something that we all need got to have our health Some people like the health care bill some don’t like it at all Some think it’s a waist of time Health care is a step in the right direction for all of our problems if we can get more jobs it would be even better

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Drawing one Gets Cut Out In Our School Budget
There is a lot of budget cuts that are going on in our everyday world Our School NHS For Example Has Been asked to cut many things out such as teachers and classes one of the classes that has been asked to cut out is drawing one that is one class I don’t think they should cut out there is a lot of people that enjoy art and everything art is in our everyday world taking away art classes Means people cant express them self freely or people that wanna learn more things about art cant because of the budget cuts however I think we are part of the cause of the budget problems for example Not Turning off the heat when its not needed is one example if they turned off the heat when its not needed we could be saving some money and we wouldint have to cut out so many things i think art is a interesting subject my favorite kind of art is photography a easy form of art that is not really that much of hard work

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Can 3-D Really Be Bad For your Health
We All Have Seen Movies in 3-D and i heard there are also some TVS that are 3-D But It is Really Bad for your Health im not saying not to watch 3-D Movies but be careful how much Of the 3-D Hours and Hours Will Give you Some Really Bad Health Effects Such As Seizure Or A Stroke if your in a bad physical condition you really shouldn’t be watching any 3-D Movies or if you have not been sleeping well or have been consuming alcohol with moderation 3-D Is Not all That Bad you Can See Really Cool things with 3-D such as you can See the pictures come to life right to you According to ABC 7 There is some New 3-D TVS That are coming this spring there are some good time movies that use 3-D Glasses Like Spy Kids for example when you put on the glasses all the images that are the screen are hitting to your eye again I am not saying not to stop watching 3-D movies im just saying to be careful    

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CT Teen Gets Accused Of Crashing into A New york Cop Car
There was a Milford Teen Who was accused of Smashing a NY Cop Car this dude was Charged with First Degree Assault And Reckless Endangerment For Crashing into The Cruiser Driven by The Police Officer Sources say that The Teen Had Stolen A Car From The Milford Dealership I Think This Story is Unbelievable you really got to becareful on the road when you are young because there is a lot of drivers getting into accidents I think its a problem for all age groups there are lots and lots of bad drivers out there especially because the person hit a cop and cops have got to be good drivers There is Many Things that cause crashes From Drinking To Eating To Talking on the cell phone and more  this story has lead me to Many questions in my head will see what the court says but it sounds like to me from reading the story that the person is guilty and will probably get either a really high fine or get thrown in jail

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Yankees Go And Visit President Obama
President Obama who was a white sox fan is going to test a different kind of diplomacy today when he hosts the new York Yankees at the white house the reason being is to celebrate last years victory before stopping at the white house the players will take there trophy to Walter reed medical center in our state capital where the team will visit with wounded soldiers  I think it is great that the new York Yankees is going to be visiting the white house because its good to travel and explore new places every now and than nobody wants to be at the same place forever gets boring doesn’t it I think so the new york yankess is like one of my favorite baseball teams I was so happy last year when they won the world series all I got to say to this is good for the Yankees to be visit president Obama

Principle to Parents Take kids off Social Networking Sites
There is one school in new jersey A middle School Who is telling the Parents To Take there children off of facebook the principle of Benjamin Franklin middle school says there is no reason any middle school kids should be part of the social networking sites I think that is wrong they say social networking sites is to blame for many things such as crimes and cyber bullying and more I think the principle shouldn’t be bossing the parents around if the parents allow there children to have a MySpace or a facebook that’s there call and social networking sites are not all bad you can share a lot of information with your friends on the internet such as photos and story’s and more you can communicate with people that are so far away and there is ways you can protect your self on those sites there is security settings that are set up so there is a lot of kids that use it when there at school its there responsibility when there at home its there parents responsibility

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Oil Spill in the Gulf will Mean some Big Time Problems
We All have Heard the story about the golf oil spill that has been going on currently there has been tons and tons of oil spilling out in the golf of Mexico that is going to mean some big time problems like for example gas prices with oil being dumped out that’s going to mean a higher demand which we all know a higher demand equals out to higher prices not only is it going to target gas prices its going to target seafood prices to currently they are working on a solution to the problem other effects from this oil spill is there has been a ban on fishing for a while on the gulf until the problem gets better Currently it is estimated that there is Millions of oil dumped in there we can only pray and hope that things get better the golf is only one of the places where we get oil besides the golf we also get it from Europe most of it comes from Europe president Obama visited the golf coast and he called it a Disaster Area

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The Difference Between Evacuating and Not Evacuating
Many times when there is a disaster such as a hurricane or a wild fire or any weather event that affects our every day life some people choose to evacuate and some people choose not to evacuate I say it is always good to evacuate when you need to evacuate its always good to be Safe Than Sorry some people choose not to evacuate and than in some cases they end up getting hurt like when hurricane Katrina came some people decided not to evacuate and some people got killed in some states it is now a law and I am glad that it is a law because if not than the states will be responsible for lots and lots of injury’s if you got warning and if you got a opportunity to do something than you got nobody to blame but your self bringing up to my point when you evacuate you get away from the disaster area and you are safe when you don’t evacuate you get hurt

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Vacation Whats your Dream Area
Vacations are great to Take Everyone Needs A Vacation Once in a While A Average American Gets at least one Week Off a year some people get more Some People Get Less My Dream Place for a vacation would probably be California I Have Explored a Lot of The East Coast and The South Coast I Never Been Out West Before The Specific Town Would Probably Be Hollywood Why Hollywood It Seems Like a Cool Town Lots of Actresses are over There Some of the Top Places For Vacation Include Florida New York And Lot More Transportation The Best Way to Go Would Probably Be Car Planes These Days Are Getting Expensive Especially With The Rising Gas Prices

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Top Excuses For Being Late
Being Tardy is a big thing for many people many people have at least been Tardy at least once in there life time for others there always tardy to something in some cases its good and bad school and work is not a good place to be late in For Party’s its ok to be a few minutes late there is a rule to always be a few minutes late Some of the consequences can be pretty harsh you can get fired or if your in school you can get denied credit now let me get to the top excuses people use for being late I woke up late or I had to do something or I was talking to my friends or the area is to far those are just some of the top excuses Me I am always on time for work/school im usually always early people that are constantly late should break there bad habits because for somethings if your late you don’t even get a chance like for example if you got a flight if your one minute late there not gonna let you in if you have a problem being on time than you need to figure out how to fix it 

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Last Updated on Sunday May 16,2010

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